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Smart Helmet and Seat for Driver Safety

Hello, This project is basically to provide safety systems in vehicles in low cost. We are using ESP8266 Wi-Fi module which continuously monitor that driver is wearing the helmet or not. If not then vehicle will not start by firing the ignition switch.

Here in this project we are also enabling the concept of Internet of things (IoT) in go-cart which is designed by our Automobile team "Vahana"

The project named as Ra.B.I.G.A which means Raspberry Pi based Intelligent GoCart Assistance

First Innovation

There is a clip sensor in helmet of driver which control the kill switch working. If driver is not wearing the helmet engine will not start.

Second Innovation

There is two temperature and fire sensor attached to drivers body and one with engine which detect the maximum temp limit and fire and accordingly off the engine during fire.

Third Innovation

There is gyroscope sensor which detect the position of driver and accordingly switches the engine only in right position. If any circumstances driver will lean on the steering totally, it will switch off the engine automatically.

Fourth Innovation

There is another clip switch on the seat of driver which controls the ignition of engine. If driver lean forward after taking brake the engine will stop.

All the innovation is related to driver safety having the most prior element. Engine will stop in any accident circumstances or if safety rules are not followed.

Figure: Block Diagram of (Ra.B.I.G.A) System

Working of the System:

The main part of the system is raspberry pi which is credit card size computer. This will work as server and also a monitor using 20x4 LCD Display which will tell the driver about status of system. The display will show the time, date, temp of engine, driver body temp and position and speed. The clip sensor of helmet send the logic on and off through Wi-Fi module ESP8266 to the raspberry pi server page. Server page has programming that will check all the data from sensors receive is OK and then it will allow the relay to switch on the engine.

You can also check the status of your driver and go cart on your mobile phone by connecting to system’s server.

Future scope of the Ra.B.I.G.A System:

In future we can upgrade this system by adding some more parameters related to user/driver comfort level and security and safety of our vehicle. We can also add a voice assistance service to the vehicle using Amazon Alexa Voice Service. It increases the driver safety and comfort level. By adding some more sensors we can give eyes and feel to the vehicle.






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